How to activate network license of nanoCAD?

Network licensing consists of two steps:

License server setup (LicServSetup.exe)
nanoCAD setup (RegWizard.exe)
First download the License Server from your personal cabinet in nanoCAD web-site. Download it only on server PC! Run LicServSetup.exe and requested the license file online or by email:
hyNbUkT6a9iZGrhLkDcT-8sODkf3o0GldA.png?1597231008Then make sure that the server service is running: run LicServSetup.exe and press Next.
ppDvn1r4Hti4_6ETYQC6i7s7CUb9tRFsJA.png?1597231043Now you need to connect nanoCAD to this server.
Please run the Registration Wizard with the shortcut or directly "c:\Program Files (x86)\Nanosoft\nanoCAD Plus en 7.0\RegWizard.exe" and choose "Connect to License Server" option:
vBYJf63SAeOo3VhkO1FvxwV-nhJaEBATXg.png?1597231080Then specify the name of your server:
Tp8lPMHaqprl45yES42UY16sh1QODG7O1Q.png?1597231118That is, now nanoCAD should take the license from the license server.