Localization of Ribbon, Menus and Tool Bars in nanoCAD

To translate the Text of Menu Tools of nanoCAD Ribbon




Go to Manage tab and select Interface the following Customize User Interface window will open




Select the Ribbon tab and select the + beside Tabs. The list of Ribbon tabs will open, click on the name of the Ribbon tab, a Properties window below will show Name and Text as shown below




Hare Name is Main and Text is Home now translate the value of Text to desired language. For example here I have translated it to French.




When all the translation is completed click on the OK button following Warning will appear. Click on the Yes button and then close nanoCAD application. When you re-open the nanoCAD application you can visualize the changes in 



Menu texts.



To distribute this changed menu go to C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Nanosoft\nanoCAD x64 Pro Int 11.0\Config folder and select the file RibbonTabsAndPanels.xml copy it and paste it replacing the old one in new installation.