Knowledgebase WiseImage

Articles in this category

How many types of selection process are in WiseImage?
How to convert a Polyline into Spline?
How to disable pop-up windows which are displayed while performing Batch Studio operation in WiseImage?
How to enable dimension unit on drawing?
How to experience trial of WiseImage?
How to improve quality of a pdf file during import?
How to move Graphics into the Clipbook?
How to paste Graphics from the clipbook?
How to recognize a raster symbol in WiseImage?
How to select text in a raster image at one go, using WiseImage?
How to separate a single page from a multipage pdf document using WiseImage?
How to use Deskew by manual process?
How to use WiseObject selection tool?
If there is a FATAL ERROR message during use of WiseImage, what a user should check at that point?
Is it possible to set customized template file in WiseImage?
Is there Image embed option available in WiseImage?
Menubar,toolbar and ribbon is not loaded in WiseImage for AutoCAD, what should we do?
What are the available compression format to save tiff image in WiseImage?
What are the common techniques of WiseImage?